Monday, December 3, 2007

3G iPhone

The widely known and desired iPhone is being released with new 3G technology and the ability to use third party software sometime next year. There is currently no new estimates on how much more this version will cost compared to its $399 predecessor or the exact release date but they are expected to be released at the January 2008 MacWorld convention.


11250ja said...

I personally believe the iPhone, and any other Apple product (widely moreso, any product with the "i" prefix) is a complete waste of cash. Anyone who wants to drop $400 or $500 on an extremely flawed phone should definitely have their sanity checked. The iPhone itself has many flaws, including the fact that AT&T's network is amazingly slow; bottlenecking the "great" features of the iPhone, which are lackluster at best. Similar and better phones can be had for half the price from better networks. Don't even get me started on the iPod. Biggest waste of unjustified money ever? I believe so.

Calob said...

I think the "new iphone" what ever it is, is not worth the time and money. ther are so meny other things out ther that cost less and are just as good.

11808RW said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
8052_gs said...

i believe that a iphone is way to expensive and all the problems the ipod had when it first came out i would not waste my money on such a phone.

9526ced said...

Yeah well whats wrong with the iPhone. When it gets 3G networking the app's wont be "bottle-necked" as you say and it will run much faster and for the price yeah that is kind a high but still.

11250ja said...

The thing is that the iPhone still has a multitude of flaws that still kill the actual quality of the phone. There's the fact that you're limited to the 25-ringtone seleciton that comes from the factory with no MP3 ringtone capability, then there's the fact that you can't use third party applications on it, and the entire OS theme is completely unchangeable. Fact is, the iPhone isn't really worth more than $75, all things considered. But if you slap on the "i" in front of it, and then you can magically add on another $400. Go figure.

9526ced said...

third party software will be useable on the 3G version of the iPhone and iTunes will be useable as ringtones. I have no clue about the OS system but as for the MP3 capabilities you are still limited to the iTunes selection but that is a vast selection of music that is useable.

11808RW said...

My thoughts on this blog were that I beleived that tha iphone is a very popular phone. If 1.5 million are alredy sold then that must be a godd phone. Although it is very expensive if someone wants to pay that much for a phone that i bleive that they have that right. Even if someone may think it is a waste of money the person who purchased they item apparently didn't if they spent $400 to $500 dollars. Finally I think that the phone is pretty cool and people should buy it, and I do not beleive that the AT&T is a great network and it is not slow what so ever. The only reason it would be slow is if you would download a bunch of viruses to your phone and then i goes slow, but other wise the network is very fast if not the fastest.

11250ja said...

"third party software will be useable on the 3G version of the iPhone and iTunes will be useable as ringtones. I have no clue about the OS system but as for the MP3 capabilities you are still limited to the iTunes selection but that is a vast selection of music that is useable."

Firstly, third party software will never be availible for the iPhone due to the architecture of the framework Apple chose for the phone's hardware itself. Not to mention, iTunes doesn't supply MP3's. All iTunes songs are in MP4 format and thus don't give you the expandability that many other phones do. Being limited to buying ringtones from a shoddy music service is not exactly freedom.

11250ja said...

To 11808RW:

Firstly, just because something sells in massive quantities, does not mean it is good. The Xbox 360 at launch, for example, sold upwards of 1.3 million consoles, but look at all the problems and RRoD rates that the launch consoles had. Same premise here. 1.5 million sales with an extremely high defect right (in the 60% range) is unexpendable.

Secondly, you obviously aren't the sharpest tool in the shed and have never used AT&T's ancient EDGE network. You're limited to 330kb/s up/down bandwidth, and the network itself is very unreliable (and a bug in the iPhone's watered-down version of Safara allows you to effectively crash the network). This also brings me to the point that there are no "viruses" that will actually run on the iPhone's architecture. Think before you speak. Not to mention that your logic of "I think it's cool so people should buy it" has more holes in it than a wet paper bag.

Next time, maybe you should try thinking before speaking, and not speaking at all on subjects you know nothing about. I have personally experienced AT&T's EDGE network and it is, in fact, one of the single worst availible networks out there, and it is the only one the 1.5 million users are limited to.

9526ced said...

I didn't say that you had "freedom" as you say but a larger selection to choose from then the 25 stock ringtones and apple is offering downloadable software enabling you to use and/or download third party software as you wish. As for iTunes the selection isn't exactly "shoddy" either, it is one of the largest libraries of music to select from. And as for the phone, it is getting somewhat of a makeover allowing it more options.

9526ced said...

The EDGE network is very limited but it still has a very large service area. Yes people are limited to AT&T's network but Cingullar which is now part of AT&T had the largest network out there with few flaws. I still wouldn't buy any electronics until at least three months after release so the manufacturer's have the opportunity to work out the bugs etc... and yeah $400 for the phone is kinda steep but look at the prices of other phones released up to a year ago with the same if not higher prices than the iPhone with more limited capabilities.

11808RW said...

To 11250ja

I assume that you are a ps2 or ps3 or sony liker. Might I add that the xbox 360 is an amazing console. they are now fixing all of the problems with it and they have the best games for it also. Everything has flaws and you cant help it if somthing has a minor flaw in it. I will admitt that 60% is a very high rate but apple is still amazing just as i have said on the article about ipods.

I am assuming that you must have dowlaoded things off the internet onto your phone from an unreliable website. there for your phone was probobly got over loaded by viruses. Also you sghould not rag on a phone if you have never used it. Not to mention that the tools in my shed are way sharper than yours. Apple and at&t and the 360 are amazing products and you would chose wisely to follow these thoughts. Then the lesser products are just copies of the apple.

11250ja said...


Are you kidding me? This is mildly hilarious, but painfully sad.

Firstly, the word you're looking for is fanboy, and it's blatantly obvious this is what you are. I am by no means a Sony, Nintendo, or Microsoft fanboy. Every console has it's upsides and downsides. Nowhere did I say that the Xbox 360 was a bad console, I just managed to destroy your logic by using the massive failure rate as an example. It's pretty ironic that you're trying to call me a fanboy while you're blindly defending Microsoft and Apple (oh man, the contradictions) without actually knowing what you're talking about.

Next up to bat is your idiotic attempt at a rebuttal. I "must have downladoed things onto my phone from an unreliable website"? Exactly what are you on? The i Phone doesn't even run third party apps, let alone download them. "Overloaded with viruses" xD. You really don't know what you're talking about, do you?

Not to mention how you contradict yourself yet again by saying I haven't even used the iPhone (another idiotic assumption that is false). The tools in your shed are sharper than mine? Right. I'll let your replies do the talking here.

My last point is that AT&T is not a product, it is a corporation, this also goes with Apple. "wisely follow these thoughts"? Who are you trying to kid, skipper? Your opinion is not total, so come down from your high horse and get back to reality for a minute. Saying the "lesser products" are just copies of Apple's products is not only yet another sign of fanboyism, but an extremely idiotic statement. I personally love my Sandisk Sansa e280, and would choose it over any model of the iPod lineup, not only because it has a lower price to capacity ratio ($15/Gb compared to the iPod lineup, which are as high as $99/Gb), but because the quality is far superior to that of the iPod, and you are not forced to use the bloated iTunes software.

Oh, and did I mention that by your logic, Apple is actually copying other manufacturers such as Diamond Multimedia; the pioneers of the MP3 player industry.

I believe every point you have tried to make has been ruined. good day.

9526ced said...

OUCH!! he just straight stuck it to you. The 360, by the way is microsoft not apple. They are to way seperate companys, rivals of sorts.

9526ced said...

As for the new 3G you can get on the internet, gps, phone serveice, instant access to newspapers and e-mail, a touch screen, and all in a small sleek design thats why the price is high. Just like game systems, the technology is new and pricey at first but will go down.

11250ja said...

The sad part is, you can get all of that now on phones with a lower band. My Motorola V325 is capable of all of that...